Sarah Rodi has always been a hopeless romantic. She grew up watching old, romantic movies recommended by her grandad, or devouring love stories from the local library. Sarah lives in the village of Cookham in Berkshire, where she enjoys walking along the River Thames with her husband, her two daughters and their dog. She has been a magazine journalist for over 20 years, but it has been her lifelong dream to write romance for Mills & Boon. Sarah believes everyone deserves to find their happy ever after.
Want to keep up on all things Sarah? Check out her website or follow her on Instagram or Twitter.
What’s the strangest thing you searched for on the internet for your novel?
For this book, I researched the wording of oaths Kings throughout the ages have had to say on their coronation day. There’s a steamy scene in Second Chance With His Viking Wife where King Teon repeats the words of his oath to his wife, as he’s seducing her… You’ll have to read to almost the end to see what she makes of it!
What book (or author) made you fall in love with the romance genre?
Pride & Prejudice is my all time favourite romance story. But I fell in love with Mills & Boon books when I was young, after all, M&B is the heart of romance, and I will happily read any book by any author in any line from M&B… they’re all good.
What is your favourite trope? Why?
Ooh, I love them all. But I will have to go for enemies to lovers. It just sets the story up for so much emotional conflict and you know the protagonists are going to have a lot of fun overcoming their loathing for one another as it is tempered into love.
It’s the morning after, and a lover is making your main character the perfect breakfast in bed. What is it?
I think she’d like to have him for breakfast 🙂 Followed by… a pain au chocolat and a mimosa! But I guess in Viking times they wouldn’t have had that… perhaps some milk and berries?
What book are you reading currently?
I have Rachel Stewart and Virginia Heath’s latest books on my bedside table…