Jean Meltzer studied dramatic writing at NYU Tisch and has earned numerous awards for her work in television, including a daytime Emmy. She spent five years in rabbinical school before her chronic illness forced her to withdraw, and her father told her she should write a book-just not a Jewish one because no one reads those. Kissing Kosher is her third novel.

Want to keep up on all things Jean? Check out her website, or follow her on Instagram or Facebook.

Read our review of Kissing Kosher here.

What’s the strangest thing you searched for on the internet for your novel? 

For Kissing Kosher, it would definitely be the statistical probability of dying in a small plane crash. 

What book (or author) made you fall in love with the romance genre? 

Helen Hardt and her Blood Bond saga. I was thirty-eight years old and it was the first romance I ever read, and though I wasn’t entirely sure what I was reading, I instantly became hooked! She began my love of romance, and to this day, I still fan girl a bit whenever she likes one of my posts. 

What is your favourite trope? Why? 

My love of romance began in the indie world, so I still love an alpha male hero with a soft and squishy cinnamon roll inside. 

It’s the morning after, and a lover is making your main character the perfect breakfast in bed. What is it? 

Eggs, over medium, with roasted brussel sprouts and a huge bowl of fresh berries. My main character has IC (interstitial cystitis), and has to be on a specialized diet to manage her pain–so that’s basically what I like, and what my husband makes me on Sunday mornings, for similar reasons. 

What book are you reading currently? 

Meet Me in the Middle by Devon Daniels. 

The rapid fire question: What is your favourite season? 
