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Sonya Singh is a former entertainment reporter turned communications professional who has followed her dream of telling stories in front of the camera and now behind the scenes. Her debut novel, Sari, Not Sari, is an ode to her own personal dating experiences, during which she honed the art of writing the perfect break-up email/text. Sonya lives in Toronto, Canada. 

Want to keep up on all things Sonya, then check out her website, or follow her on Instagram or Twitter. 

What’s the strangest thing you searched for on the internet for your novel?

“I think I dated someone without them knowing I was dating them.” It’s this whole phenomenon of thinking you are in a relationship with someone — when you actually aren’t. 

What book (or author) made you fall in love with the romance genre?

I am not sure it was an author, but rather writers who were showcasing their talents in film. I loved watching Bridget Jones Diary and thought: why can’t I write a rom-com like that?

What is your favourite trope? Why?

I love the good guy who doesn’t always finish last! Just like Sammy in my book! Well, I think he’s a great guy. 

It’s the morning after, and a lover is making your main character the perfect breakfast in bed. What is it?

Ooh LOVER — I love that word. I wish more people used that every day. “Hi, this is my lover XXX.” I think it has to be something healthy, like a smoothie. Manny would have already gone to the gym by the time that breakfast in bed rolled around. Okay, maybe for some excitement: egg white with spinach and then some overnight oats. 

What book are you reading currently? 

The Circus Train 

The rapid fire question – Would you rather go on a trip to a tropical destination and be pampered or spend the summer backpacking across Europe?

I would rather go on a trip to Europe and be pampered. Who doesn’t want to sip on wine while a beautiful Italian man feeds them their favorite pasta? Mmmm.

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